Do you ever have a number that strangely and inexplicably keeps on popping up in your life? A number that just seems to keep appearing wherever you go and under the strangest of circumstances?
I do and it's 602...
Sounds rather inconspicuous wouldn't you say? Three little numbers, or perhaps one three digit number, either way though this number in various shapes and forms has plagued me all my life. Ever since I can remember, it seems to repeatedly crop up. It can be as simple as waking up suddenly and looking at the clock to find that it's 6:02, to buying a raffle ticket and finding that the ticket bears the number 602 specifically or in the correct sequence within it's ID code.
I can be in town and someone can ask me the time and when I check, guess what?
Other times I can buy something completely randomly only to find 602 staring at me some place on the packaging. It can be a random glance towards nothing in particular but that number still keeps popping up. My clock number whilst working in a factory during my teens was even 602, honestly, I can't figure it out at all and I've often wondered what the hell it all means.
I've tried to research it of course but still I draw nothing but blanks. There are however 206 bones in the human body, so maybe I'm backwards in some way.
Hmm, perhaps I should disable comments on this post.
You may ask why the hell I'm going on about all this on my blog, but what actually made me think about this right now was that I was reading the paper today in my local coffee shop and there was an article on the imminent launch of the new Apple I-Phone. As a committed technophile, I of course read it with great interest but then stopped dumbstruck when they revealed the specific details of it's actual launch.
It will go on sale in the UK on November the 9th 2007 at precisely 6:02pm.... ARGGGHHH!
Why not a normal time like 6:00pm or 9:00am even?
No, it has to be 6:02pm just to plague me and start me off yet again....
Still, it could have been worse I suppose. It could have been launched on June the 2nd at 6:02 couldn't it....
If anyone knows anything about numerology that might be able to provide me with an answer to this particular puzzle though, please, drop me a line sometime. I'd love to here about it.