Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Out of the Mouth's of Babes

I was thinking today just how wonderful our children are and in particular, how truly blessed I am to have the daughter that I have. Throughout the 19 years of her life so far, there have of course been many up's n down's just as there are in any parents relationship with their children, I'm quite sure that many parents can sympathize with the notion that there have been times when I could have rung the lil buggers neck and yet still, I wouldn't change her for the whole world, the whole universe even.

She is my little Princess, my reason for living, my driving force, my everything.

With all this in mind, it pains me deeply to hear and read that there are people out there in the world that would actually hurt them and worse, how can anyone possibly sink so low as to hurt a child? It belies belief in a so called civilized world that such things happen but the truth is we are not civilized, in fact we are nowhere near civilized for a civilized being does not kill for pleasure, or to satisfy a lust for fashion, or rape, or maim or murder or ultimately corrupt innocence.

Gandhi summed it all up perfectly I feel when he was asked what he thought of western civilization, he said that he thought it would be a very good idea. I don't think he was wrong on that one but I feel that perhaps he didn't go far enough, I think he should have been more global in his statement.

He also said that a countries level of civilization can be assessed by the way that it treats it's animals and again, I don't think he's wrong on that. It brings to mind the Canadians for example and the way those heartless bastard's go out clubbing those poor defenceless harp seals to death for their pelts, in order that some dumb animal can wear them on her back.

Madness? Of course, Civilized? Definitely not.....

But anyway, as usual I digress once again. With all of the horrors of the world aside, I did actually set out to write about the beautiful souls that are our beloved children so this post is aimed at celebrating them. It is also dedicated to every child everywhere, it is a celebration of their innocence, their fragility, their sense of fun, their vitality and the unconditional love that they give us in return. I truly hope with all of my heart that one day, we can all live in a world that is free of the sick predators that attempt to corrupt and destroy these little lives that we hold so precious.

As an example of the joys children can bring, I would like to bring to your attention, something that I read on a site today that is a perfect example of how wonderfully entertaining our kids can actually be, it made me laugh and it made me smile but above all, it emphasized perfectly the innocence that is a child. I've included it below for all to read and in so doing, I honour my wonderful daughter....

A first grade teacher collected well-known proverbs. She gave each child in her class the first half of a proverb, and had them come up with the rest. Their insight may surprise you.

Better to be safe than ....Punch a 5th grader.

Strike while the.....Bug is close.

It's always darkest before....Daylight Savings time.

Never underestimate the power of.....Termites.

You can lead a horse to water but

Don't bite the hand that ....looks dirty.

No news is....impossible.

A miss is as good as a .....Mr.

You can't teach an old dog new....maths.

If you lie down with dogs, you....stink in the morning.

Love all, trust

The pen is mightier than the....pigs.

An idle mind is....the best way to relax.

Where there's smoke there's ....Pollution.

Happy the bride who.....gets all the presents.

A penny saved is....not much.

Two's company, three's....the Musketeers.

Don't put off till tomorrow put on to go to bed.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and have to blow your nose.

None are so blind as....Helen Keller.

Children should be seen and not....spanked or grounded.

If at first you don't succeed....get new batteries.

You get out of something what you....see pictured on the box.

When the blind leadeth the blind....get out of the way.

Nuff said.... isn't that truly wonderful?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Yep, you read that correctly, Vegetarianism...

The consumption of foodstuff not of meat origin, an abstaining from the flesh of an animal in preference to that of plant, fruit or vegetable origin, or some such variation on that theme. It does not, as some might think, mean that one is born under the sign of the vegetable or, that one prefers sexual relations with cucumbers, lentils, beans or plants. It doesn't mean that one is of less intelligence either or that one is weird, strange or otherwise compromised from the rest of so called "Normal" society.

So anyway, why would I choose now to write today about Vegetarianism?

I would imagine that by this time, you'd be getting a pretty good indication that I myself am a Vegetarian and you'd be correct in that assumption, for I am indeed a card carrying Vegetarian.

Actually, I'm what is known as a Lacto-Vegetarian due to the fact that I eat dairy products but not eggs. If I ate eggs I would be a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and if I ate fish as well, I would be a pisco-vegetarian. Confusing I know but what the hell. Life's like that. :-)

Actually, I dislike labels as such and prefer to say that I don't eat anything with eyes or an asshole, it's just a preference of mine, a personal choice that I don't inflict upon others. If you wish to eat meat then of course that is your choice, I won't try and convert you. What I don't understand though is that in general, meat eaters per se quite often inflict their views upon me along the lines of assigning almost ALL of the negative assumptions laid out at the beginning of this post, to me personally when I tell them I'm vegetarian!

I am quite often met with disbelief by others when I tell them this. "But you look healthy", they say, as though I'm not supposed to be...

Time for a few facts I think.

Did you know that Vegetarianism is actually one of the most healthy diets there is?

 Ok, before anyone starts banging on about Omega 3, B vitamins and such, there are actually some very good alternatives by way of the likes of flax seed oil which is rich in Omega 3, plus you can get pretty much everything else your body needs from a well balanced vegetarian diet.

Did you also know that by the time the average, meat eating human male is thirty five years of age, he has five and a half pounds of rotting meat lining his intestines! Guess which type of cancer is now on the increase and let's not mention the steroids and shit that are regularly pumped into cows to make them fatter and thus add to that rotting meat mix...

But anyway, the reason for the rotting meat scenario itself is due to our own anatomy, which despite what some might think, is actually NOT geared for eating meat. Take a pure Carnivore for example, a Lion or a Tiger perhaps, it's digestive tract is very short compared to a human being's and it's digestive juices are far more stronger than ours. What this means is that meat is broken down very effectively and then passed completely through it's body in a very short amount of time, thus it's body is geared for eating meat!

I know that some might say, "Oh yeah, what about our canines and stuff, surely that means we're supposed to eat meat"...

Have you ever taken a look into a Gorilla's mouth or an Orangutan's? These animals are our closest relatives and have more pronounced canines than we ourselves have and yet both are naturally Vegetarian. This is not through choice, they just are.

Go figure...

There are some that now believe that the forbidden fruit referred to in the Bible was not an apple as such, but actually a metaphor for flesh. Ok, I know that I kinda dismissed religious text in earlier posts, but who knows? I could be wrong on that like I said earlier within the post in question.

Then there are those that insist that if we didn't eat meat, our brains would never have evolved to the state they have done. Did you know that it's a fact that vegetarian children are more likely than meat eating children to excel in intelligence, that's official by the way so it kinda rubbishes the meat equals intelligence brigade out there don't you think?

All said and done though, I never set out here to preach, I'm not here to try and convert anyone to vegetarianism, eat meat if you will, I have the utmost respect of your own personal choice to do so. All I ask is that I am granted the same respect for my choice not to.

And on that note, it's time for bed...