Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Yep, you read that correctly, Vegetarianism...

The consumption of foodstuff not of meat origin, an abstaining from the flesh of an animal in preference to that of plant, fruit or vegetable origin, or some such variation on that theme. It does not, as some might think, mean that one is born under the sign of the vegetable or, that one prefers sexual relations with cucumbers, lentils, beans or plants. It doesn't mean that one is of less intelligence either or that one is weird, strange or otherwise compromised from the rest of so called "Normal" society.

So anyway, why would I choose now to write today about Vegetarianism?

I would imagine that by this time, you'd be getting a pretty good indication that I myself am a Vegetarian and you'd be correct in that assumption, for I am indeed a card carrying Vegetarian.

Actually, I'm what is known as a Lacto-Vegetarian due to the fact that I eat dairy products but not eggs. If I ate eggs I would be a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and if I ate fish as well, I would be a pisco-vegetarian. Confusing I know but what the hell. Life's like that. :-)

Actually, I dislike labels as such and prefer to say that I don't eat anything with eyes or an asshole, it's just a preference of mine, a personal choice that I don't inflict upon others. If you wish to eat meat then of course that is your choice, I won't try and convert you. What I don't understand though is that in general, meat eaters per se quite often inflict their views upon me along the lines of assigning almost ALL of the negative assumptions laid out at the beginning of this post, to me personally when I tell them I'm vegetarian!

I am quite often met with disbelief by others when I tell them this. "But you look healthy", they say, as though I'm not supposed to be...

Time for a few facts I think.

Did you know that Vegetarianism is actually one of the most healthy diets there is?

 Ok, before anyone starts banging on about Omega 3, B vitamins and such, there are actually some very good alternatives by way of the likes of flax seed oil which is rich in Omega 3, plus you can get pretty much everything else your body needs from a well balanced vegetarian diet.

Did you also know that by the time the average, meat eating human male is thirty five years of age, he has five and a half pounds of rotting meat lining his intestines! Guess which type of cancer is now on the increase and let's not mention the steroids and shit that are regularly pumped into cows to make them fatter and thus add to that rotting meat mix...

But anyway, the reason for the rotting meat scenario itself is due to our own anatomy, which despite what some might think, is actually NOT geared for eating meat. Take a pure Carnivore for example, a Lion or a Tiger perhaps, it's digestive tract is very short compared to a human being's and it's digestive juices are far more stronger than ours. What this means is that meat is broken down very effectively and then passed completely through it's body in a very short amount of time, thus it's body is geared for eating meat!

I know that some might say, "Oh yeah, what about our canines and stuff, surely that means we're supposed to eat meat"...

Have you ever taken a look into a Gorilla's mouth or an Orangutan's? These animals are our closest relatives and have more pronounced canines than we ourselves have and yet both are naturally Vegetarian. This is not through choice, they just are.

Go figure...

There are some that now believe that the forbidden fruit referred to in the Bible was not an apple as such, but actually a metaphor for flesh. Ok, I know that I kinda dismissed religious text in earlier posts, but who knows? I could be wrong on that like I said earlier within the post in question.

Then there are those that insist that if we didn't eat meat, our brains would never have evolved to the state they have done. Did you know that it's a fact that vegetarian children are more likely than meat eating children to excel in intelligence, that's official by the way so it kinda rubbishes the meat equals intelligence brigade out there don't you think?

All said and done though, I never set out here to preach, I'm not here to try and convert anyone to vegetarianism, eat meat if you will, I have the utmost respect of your own personal choice to do so. All I ask is that I am granted the same respect for my choice not to.

And on that note, it's time for bed...


At 10:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think tht wt u just sed woz vry interesting n i neva new dat...xo -
so it make s u think...xo -
lOve yoOh...xo -
Annzii3 :P


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