Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Protests and Riots

Protests and Riots - Are you getting it yet? It's all so contrived and organised, designed to get the people fighting amongst themselves, whilst government organises more and more oppression, surveillance and control in their names. It's nothing new of course because it's been going on for centuries, and you'd think that we'd all have worked it out by now.
Why, even the press are advertising exactly when and where the right wing protests are over the next few days!
Why do you think they are doing this?
It's not because they care about you, or that they want you to stay away. It's more likely that it's because they want you to get involved and add to the chaos that's now occurring on our streets whilst they perform their 'Sleight of Hand' trickery. Remember, headlines are profitable and it's more in their interests if they are big headlines.
It's no accident either that the timing of all this, just weeks after a General Election is so specific, indeed it's likely planned that way in order to initiate the changes that the government wants, in the fastest time possible.
Get ready for Big Brother on speed now. A Big Brother that given the chaos that is now erupting, will more than likely be welcomed with opened arms by the supplicated and compliant masses.
No, what is really needed here right now is common sense above all else, a halt to the destructive propaganda driven riots that are doing nothing but dividing us all and destroying our cities, and then perhaps a stand against those in power that likely set all of this thuggery in motion in the first place.
Power to the People. And that's all I have to say about that...


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