Fucking hell. It's been a while. I should post more. I know that you're all saying this, at least in the deluded corners of my mind, that is.
Well.... yeah.
So, what have I been up to?
My life fell apart. Many times. I got Cancer but, I recovered. Double hard Cancer kicking bastard that I am. I've been through the fires of hell, seriously. You would not believe the shit I've been through. And fuck, let's go back to the old ages shall we. Fucking social services wankers. Fuck em. Piss ants that know fuck all.
But hey, here I am. Still fucking kicking and sticking two fingers up to the establishment. Fucking hell, there's more to me than a Dog that rolls over and plays dead.
Believe me...
But then, I'm fucking swearing again, ain't I?
I must be pissed off.....
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