I sometimes wonder if there really is any justice in the world today. It is said that we are innocent until proven guilty and yet the more I see each and every day, the more I become convinced that the opposite is in fact the case.
We are Guilty until proven Innocent!
It also seems to me these days that the criminals and the miscreants of society are treated more favourably that the actual victims themselves. An example of this in action took place in my life just yesterday, it did not involve myself but it did involve a friend of mine whom I shall simply call by her first name of Sue. I will call this case, 'The British Heartless foundation' as I feel it is an apt and suitable title given the subject matter herein ;-)
So anyway, my friend Sue gets up one morning and goes into town with the intention of doing a little shopping and having a nice cuppa in our local coffee shop. En route however, she has the misfortune to go into a local charity shop as she needs to return some items which she bought earlier and has since discovered she can't use.
Fair enough, sounds harmless enough doesn't it?
Ordinarily it would be harmless of course but this charity shop has a couple of resident fuckwits in attendance. Add to that that these are not your normal common or garden fuckwits, these are fuckwits of the highest calibre and these fuckwits could seriously use a personality transplant to say the very least.
So let me explain further.... Exhibit One M'Ludd
My friend Sue takes the items in question into the British Heartless Foundations charity shop where she then suffers a veritable diatribe of abuse from the rather strange fuckwit like proprietors, who then go on to claim that she has actually gone in there and assaulted them!
Now, remember one thing here. Sue is actually returning some unsuitable items which she has bought, but has since discovered she cannot use. Sue is not a violent person at all, on the contrary she is a rather mild woman in fact. The proprietor however, a rather unsavoury looking character if I've ever seen one before now takes it upon herself to take offence at her returning said items to the shop.
"How dare you bring things back to us...how dare you!!!"
This Troll of a woman then proceeds to make an absolute scene right there in the shop, which culminates in my friend being hurt by the proprietors husband as he, in his own words, "Wheelbarrows" her out of the shop and throws her down forcibly onto the pavement in a bruised and crumpled heap.
Sue of course is unsurprisingly upset by all of this and as there seems at the time to be a few witnesses to the event, she phones the police as she feels that she has been treated unfairly, which after all, she has been.
So anyway, along come the boys in blue only to arrest my friend and charge HER with assault. She then spends the rest of the day and evening in the clink answering ridiculous charges concerning her apparently going in to the shop to cause trouble. Consequently, she misses an important appointment at the hospital the next day for a needed stomach operation and then goes on a major downward spiral over this gross act of injustice by the British Heartless Foundations resident Trolls.
The resultant ongoing court hearings that have since transpired from this horrendous little event have caused a number of unsavoury things to happen. Namely that my friend Sue has had a nervous breakdown and has slowly disintegrated into someone now afraid to even face the day.
But anyway, I digress once again.
Her final court appearance took place yesterday, her friends accompanied her to court only to watch the gloating Troll come away with £50 damages being awarded to her. Sue herself suffered the indignity of getting an 18 month conditional discharge and £50 court costs, bringing her total fine to £100.
The "Wheelbarrowing" husband got nothing, regardless of the fact that he was trying to benefit from the trumped up charge as well, which I am now convinced they had arranged between them for sheer financial profit.
So I ask you, was justice served in this instance?
I think not, but this my dear readers is just one such case of many more in our day and age. Injustice it seems continues to prevail and the victims of people that, let's face it are little more than money grabbing bastards themselves, continue to suffer in the name of so called justice.
Guilty M'Ludd
Bollocks!!! The Law IS an ass.
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